FUTURE SHOCK – The New World Order Plans for 2024-2025: Your Life Is About To Change! Part 1-2-3

Get ready…your world is about to be turned UPSIDE DOWN! The corrupt, criminal regime currently occupying Washington D.C. is starting to lose its grip on America. The American people are tired of being lied to. Smart Americans are “waking up” in droves to the reality of our nation’s leadership and financial critical condition. They’re tired of been propagandized, controlled and imprisoned by an illegitimate totalitarian regime that trashes our Constitution, Bill of Rights and is stamping out our individual liberties. . Establishment politicians are as “radioactive” as the Fukushima nuclear site.

The Globalists are completely lawless and getting ready to arrest and throw into jail anyone who gets in their way to fulfill their plan. They soon will suspend our 1st Amendment rights and take absolute control of the Internet. Patriotic voices and religious “extremists” who contradict the the government’s official narrative, will be censored and silenced. Any journalist who tries to conduct an honest investigation will be arrested and thrown in jail. This will all be preceded by a staged massive FALSE FLAG attack that will involve either chemical, biological and/or NUCLEAR weapons.In the 2025 , you can say “goodbye” to your guns.

This will result in total chaos and upheaval in America. But this is only a part of the story, keep reading… Global financial collapse will be forthcoming along with the destruction of the Petrodollar and the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. The “death of the dollar” has been talked about for many years but will be finally realized. Don’t get duped into believing that the “2015 Shemitah” was suppose to be the final doomsday for the dollar. Don’t worry, the dollar’s funeral is coming as is the ONE WORLD CURRENCY, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and ONE WORLD RELIGION. First will be the 2025 – a time of incredible darkness that will descend on the American people and indeed the world! The consequences of what’s coming for the average American are nothing less than catastrophic, yet many still have no idea whatsoever of what is about to happen.

Discover how to survive: Most complete survival tactics, tips, skills and ideas like how to make pemmican, snow shoes, knives, soap, beer, smoke houses, bullets, survival bread, water wheels, herbal poultices, Indian round houses, root cellars, primitive navigation, and much more at: ►►Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.

Bank closures, riots, cities burning, starvation, chaos, Martial law, gun confiscation, FEMA camps, Constitutional rights obliterated, globalist takeovers, disease, despair, gangs, lawlessness, crime, you name it and much much more will soon be unfolding. Add to this the certainty of the coming regional/Middle-East wars involving China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel, the world stands at the precipice of World War 3. Again sadly, most of the population is completely totally unaware of what is about to happen because relatively few people follow Alternative Media. They get their nightly dose of government propaganda from NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and CNN. What is also interesting is Economic and War cycles are coming to a climax in 2024 – 2026. Casualty rates will be astronomic.

Population reduction in America alone is being predicted to be an astonishing 80%. That means only a 20% survival rate or about 65 million Americans will be alive by the year 2025. If you live in America today, your chances of surviving to see the year 2025 are exactly 1 in 5 (Deagel). Shocking! But don’t shake your head and be too quick to dismiss what you just read….remember, there is NOTHING that a criminal regime won’t do to stay in power.

Remember the Nazi’s? Buckle your seat belts folks and hang on tight, the ride is about to get rough. Pray, trust God for your life, prepare, use wisdom, get skilled at needed job trades, store some food, water, cash, guns, gold, toiletries, batteries, books, medications and keep gathering truthful information before it becomes illegal to spread. When JUDGMENT comes…death and destruction results. But the good news is out of the ashes revival is born. Pray for a remnant of believers, patriots and warriors to rise up and take our country back from the wretched godless Globalists and reassert our American Christian heritage. Pray for a genuine revival to awaken the darkened hearts that have been captured by this evil generation.

The NWO Pope, Pope Francis, who stated World War III has already begun, made another chilling comment when in early December he stated: “While the world starves, burns and descends further into chaos, we should realize that this year’s Christmas celebrations, for those who choose to celebrate, IT MAY BE THEIR LAST. By this time next year the world will likely be UNRECOGNIZABLE.” Get ready…the New World Order is about to launch into full swing and your world is going to be turned UPSIDE DOWN as the result! Plans are moving along the “fast track” as the corrupt, criminal regimes currently occupying the highest political, financial and religious positions in the world, who are being driven by the New World Order evil demonic influence, are about to go to all out war with the world populous in attempts to maintain control.

Americans are tired of been propagandized, controlled and imprisoned by an illegitimate totalitarian regime that trashes our Constitution, Bill of Rights and stamps out our individual liberties. The proof is the popularity of Donald Trump! Communists are running the Democratic party and the perverts and neocons are in charge on the GOP side. So it will be all out war and the greatest likelihood for carnage will be after the 2024. 2025 will be a year of GREAT TRIBULATION! The Globalists are completely lawless and getting ready to arrest and throw into jail anyone who gets in their way to fulfill their plan. They soon will suspend our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and take absolute control of the Internet and confiscate our guns.

Patriotic voices and religious “extremists” who contradict the the government’s official narrative, will be censored and silenced. Any journalist who tries to conduct an honest investigation will be arrested and thrown in jail. This will all be preceded by a staged massive FALSE FLAG attack that will involve either chemical, biological and/or NUCLEAR weapons. Global financial collapse will be forthcoming along with the destruction of the Petrodollar and the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. The “death of the dollar” has been talked about for many years but will be finally realized. Don’t get duped into believing the “useful idiots” who say, “Everything is wonderful, we’re in a “Golden Age” and there has been doomsayers around forever.” Mark these words, the day is coming for a ONE WORLD CURRENCY, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and ONE WORLD RELIGION. Eventually you will have to renounce your faith in Jesus Christ and “go with the NWO narrative,” otherwise, you’ll be put to death.

2023 will be a year of incredible GREAT TRIBULATION! (More on why that is in Part 3 along with 20 ways to PREPARE yourself and loved ones for what is coming.) Don’t be foolish – prepare now – today. It’s better to be a year early that a day late – tomorrow might just be too late! The consequences of what’s getting ready to happen for the average American are nothing less than catastrophic, yet many still have no idea whatsoever of what is about to happen. 62% of the American population has less than $1000 in savings. Bank closures, riots, cities burning, starvation, chaos, Martial law, gun confiscation, FEMA camps, Constitutional rights obliterated, globalist takeovers, disease, despair, gangs, lawlessness, crime, war – you name it and much much more will soon be unfolding. Add to this the certainty of the coming regional/Middle-East wars involving China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel, the world stands at the precipice of World War 3. If you live in America today, your chances of surviving to see the year 2025 are exactly 1 in 5 (Deagel).

Shocking! But don’t shake your head and be too quick to dismiss what you just read…. remember, there is NOTHING that a criminal regime won’t do to stay in power. Remember the Nazi’s? Buckle your seat belts folks and hang on tight, the ride is about to get rough. Pray, trust God for your life, prepare, use wisdom, get skilled at needed job trades, store some food, water, cash, guns, gold, toiletries, batteries, books, medications and keep gathering truthful information before it becomes illegal to spread. When JUDGMENT comes…death and destruction results. But the good news is out of the ashes revival is born. Pray for a remnant of believers, patriots and warriors to rise up and take our country back from the wretched godless Globalists and reassert our American Christian heritage. Pray for a genuine revival to awaken the darkened hearts that have been captured by this evil generation. ” America’s toughest days are about begin – get prepared NOW!

A little humor helps ease the pain of having to live in our world today. Laughter is therapeutic. But what is getting ready to happen is deadly serious business – even life threatening business! America wants to implode Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. is at war with Americans. It’s a titanic struggle to the finish of good vs. evil to determine the winner. The battle is not going to end well and there’s going to be a lot of blood spilled.

Pray for the candidates physical safety – especially Trump. Have you prepared for the FUTURESHOCK that is coming? If so, you won’t panic when PANIC sweeps the globe. The PERFECT STORM is truly mind-boggling. It’s unusually ominous and is rapidly approaching: -when markets across the world plunge because the $225 trillion debt bubble explodes; -when the banking system collapses because of the 1.25 quadrillion Derivatives market and the Central Bank scams of “QE” money;

-when your local bank steals all your money you’ve deposited (called “BAIL-INS”) because it has to else it will go bankrupt;

-when the entire world launches into a major Global Financial Crash & Global Great Depression;

-when food, medicines and commodities because scarce and prices SKYROCKET!;

-when domestic terrorism breaks out across multiple cities simultaneously;

-when Global War breaks out fueled by Syria and the Middle East conflicts;

-when rampant domestic violence and the Global Chaos of 2025 unfolds;

-when the New World Currency of 2024 thru 2025 is unveiled; -when the GREAT VIRUS PANDEMIC of 2020 is unleashed;

-when the total WORLDWIDE POLITICAL UPHEAVAL OF 2024 takes place.

Are you ready for Martial Law and gun confiscation? Are you ready for the termination of free speech and the U.S. Constitution? Are you ready for Christian persecution? Truth is the enemy. Lies are spoken as truth. Deception and lawlessness rules the day.

Evil is exploding exponentially as Lucifer is unleashing his dominions to furiously prepare the world for his arrival – the day wherein he will be “revealed” to every living human being on the planet as “God.” The false god for sure to be followed by the REAL GOD.

The wicked are becoming more wicked and the righteous are becoming more righteous – just as the Bible predicted. Mark these words… the world is about to DRAMATICALLY CHANGE. Millions will be standing at death’s door. Chaos is coming and is going to spread far and wide.

Democracy as we know it in Britain and the U.S. is only a few hundred years old. The majority of Europe and the rest of the world has been ruled by powerful elites with absolute power. Domination is by means of force. The high cabal of the New World Order would like to see this model reinstituted.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs functions at the behest of the British monarchy. They have spun off their American counterparts–the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. The Bilderbergers are their creation. Hundreds of humanistic study institutes in the U.S. also promote their theories.

The Committee of 300 is comprised of a hierarchy of the Freemasons, the American Eastern Liberal “Establishment,” the European Nobility, the Order of Skull and Bones and the Illuminati.

Their interest is in the eradication of the middle class. They desire only rulers and servants. “No national boundaries” is their mantra. The U.S. Constitution is a major stumbling block for these people.

Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and nuclear forces because he did not trust this group. Putin understands the threat as well and has brought the Soviet Union to an apex of nuclear strategic capability.

Some researchers get off track since the Intel agencies of several countries encourage and promote off-the-wall groups, such as New Age, Zen Buddhism and Yoga. These are not the prime focus; these are distractions.

MI6 as it’s currently operated dates back in time to 1911. It was under the leadership of Sir Mansfield Cumming, formerly a captain in the Royal Navy. He was always identified by the letter “C.” The “M” in James Bond began from this bit of history.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON ALIVE will be affected. Is your house is in order? You’ve seen the handwriting on the wall and you still refuse to do anything about it? You simply label it “FEAR PORN?” You of all people are most to be pitied because you failed to heed the many warnings given to you. I hear some of you say, “How ridiculous – I keep hearing the same thing over and over and nothing has happened.” Others arrogantly say, “Bring it on – nothing will happen to me!” Forget it.. quit reading right now. There’s no hope for you! It’s simply too late for that kind of thinking my friend. You’ve built your house on sand and the coming storm will reduce it to toothpicks. You FOOLISH man! You idiot! You failed to heed the many voices warning you of what’s to come. You’ve laughed and scoffed your way into denial and now you and all those who think like you will pay the price! Is this the FINAL CALL? Soon you’ll be able to answer that question for yourself. The wise are ready and have already made their physical, financial and spiritual preparations for what’s coming, HAVE YOU?

Should you stockpile? Here is a complete guide to stockpiling for disaster. What you need. What you don’t need. What you should absolutely have.

Discover the secrets to stockpiling When the next disaster hits, will you have the stockpile to get through it?

Whether you’re bugging in or bugging out, you’ll still have to hunker down for months or maybe even a year at your bug out location. Besides security and communications, having survival food and water is one of the things to prepare for in advance.

How Will You Feed Your Family? How Will You Keep Your Family Safe And Out Of Harm’s Way?

Now, there are two aspects to taking care of food and water. The first one is that you have to make sure you have renewable sources. A survival garden, farm animals, plenty of land, hunting and fishing are things to consider. As far as water is concerned, a river, a well and the setup to harvest rainwater will ensure you and your family can quench your thirst completely off-grid.But if you truly want to be prepared, you cannot rely on the above. You don’t know if you’ll be able to go outside to hunt and fish. You don’t know if the rainwater or the well water you collect is safe to drink.

You need a stockpile. The bigger the better, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands over the next few weeks. This takes a little bit of planning and preparing. Before we begin, let me give you an overview of what you have to do to get to a one-year stockpile without breaking the bank:

• figure out your unique situation

• figure out what to stockpile

• figure out where to store everything

• and taking it one step at a time by stockpiling in layers

Step #1: Your Unique Situation

If you’ve been a prepper for at least a couple of months (good job on getting rid of your normalcy bias), surely you’ve read at least one article about “assessing your unique situation.” To me, some of these articles are downright confusing, because most do not go into that much detail.For stockpiling purposes, assessing your situation implies:

• knowing the number of people, pets and farm animals you’re stockpiling for

• keeping in mind the special needs of each (some may have diabetes, some may be allergic to certain foods and substances)

• knowing how much space you have at your disposal

• knowing whether or not you’ll bug in or out (because having a BOL implies you split your stockpile between the two locations, to cover both scenarios)

• figuring out which foods to stockpile and in what amounts

• setting a budget to grow your stockpile in a smart way, without breaking the bank

• figuring out the containers you’ll put your food and water in

• figuring out which comfort foods to stockpile on top of your basic stockpile

• fighting the food storage enemies (light, moisture, pests etc.)

• …and protecting your stockpile from looters.

Step #2: Figuring Out What To Stockpile

Ok, first thing’s first. Before you figure out how to spend your money, I have to tell you something. It’s not just food and water you have to stockpile, but other things as well:• medicine (make no mistake about it, you will get sick post-collapse)

• clothes

• survival gear (knives, survival water filters, paracord survival bracelets  etc.)

• gardening tools (where will you get new ones post-collapse?)

• cooking and eating utensils

• containers for your food and water

• plus other various items that might be impossible to acquire after the big one hits

• Let’s start with water, because it’s more important than food. Depending on how much space you have, you could store your water in…

• small, plastic bottles (if you don’t have a few inside your home or in your car for emergencies, I highly recommend you take care of this TODAY)

• 5-gallon water carriers (they need to be BPA free)

• water bricks (3 to 5 gallon containers that look like bricks and are easy to stack on top of each-other

• 55-gallon barrels (plus a water pump, to make it easier to get the water out)

• 100-gallon waterBOB (this is something you put in your bath tub the moment you hear the water is about to run out)

• There’s more to water storage than keeping the liquid of life in jugs. You also have to consider:

•where you will store everything (you can’t keep it in a hot attic, you need a cool, dark place)

• using a drinking water hose to fill your barrels

• getting some wooden pallets to place your eater barrels on

• water purification tablets (can have a shelf life of up to 4 years) or bleach (good for 3 to 6 months)

• a water filtration system as well as some personal water filters (few people know that the Sawyer Mini is better than the LifeStraw because it can purify up to 100,000 gallons of water, over 100 times more than the other)

• rotating your water stockpile (even better, you can make it a habit to always consume water from your stash and work continuously to replenish it)

• Now that we discussed water in brief (more to come at the end of this article), let’s talk about medicine. Though I am not a doctor, I can give you a few tips. First off, consider stockpiling meds and medical equipment in strategic places such as:

• your bug out bag.

• your get home bag

• your car

• your home

• your bug out location

• and even your EDC (Every day carry) kit • But, more importantly, do NOT fall into the trap of keeping them in your bathroom. Moisture considerably decreases shelf life.

The good news is that when you buy a box of meds or bandages, it’s easy to split them across all of these places. Same thing for over the counter medications such as Ibuprofen and aspirin. In addition, you may also want to consider aloe vera gel to treat burns, antibiotic cream (you might even consider making your own penicillin), alcohol pads, soap, N95 masks, Tylenol and so on.

Once your medicine stockpile is getting bigger, you’ll want to diversify even more by getting iodine tablets (useful in case of nuclear explosions and nuclear meltdowns), bandage scissors, even more types of bandages and Band-Aids, dental kits, birthing kits and on and on.

Ready to tackle food? I won’t be able to talk about every aspect here but I can at least touch on the subject. At first, you’ll need a small stockpile to cover small scale emergencies such as prolonged power outages, heavy snow and so on. Once people are bombarded with several disasters on the news, everyone will flock to the supermarket.

Multiple terrorist attacks will also send people running to the supermarkets — and key items will disappear fast.

Once you’ve got yourself covered for emergencies, consider expanding your small stockpile with the food items I’m about to share. Once that grows, consider splitting it between your home and your bug out location. If you’ve got more than one BOL, you’ll have to keep food everywhere because you don’t know where the next disaster will force you to flee.

Some of the foods to consider storing: rice, beans, pasta, canned fruits and veggies, canned fish, wheat berries, honey, peanut butter, powdered milk and so. There are a lot more that have great shelf life than you think.

Now, besides the actual foods, you should also expect to spend some money on a few other things to help you store, prepare and consume them, namely:

• containers and preservatives (Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, food-grade plastic buckets, metal buckets to protect the plastic buckets from rodents etc.)

• utensils to process some of these foods (such as grain grinders for your wheat berries)

• food preparation utensils (pots, pans, cast iron skillets for open fire cooking), knives of various sizes, corkscrews, fish slices, funnels, a garlic press, graters and on and on and on

• disposable eating utensils (plastic forks, plastic knives etc.)

Ok, we talked about food, water and medicine, but what else should you store for a catastrophic emergency? Before I give you the list, promise me you won’t rush to buy them from Amazon, ok? Many of these are probably sitting in your attic as we speak…

• shoes and clothes (recondition them to avoid spending money on new ones)

• tarps (will be useful for a number of things, from butchering an animal to providing shade)

• Ziploc bags (you cannot have enough of)

• hygiene products (floss, toothbrushes, toothpaste etc.)

• board games (for entertainment purposes — though it would be a wiser move in the first few days to look for a deeper reason to how our nation could experience a collapse … is this Biblical? If it is, what do we need to do to get our lives right with God?)

• condoms (would be wise to remind people how unwise a pregnancy is during a time of extended disaster; wisest move could be total abstinence from sex – but this is the real world; with that said, Biblical teachings against pre-marital sex obviously could reduce chances of pregnancy within a small community of people; in the end, condoms are for those who simply can’t go without sex; enough said)

• spare batteries for your flashlights and other electronics

• survival seeds (common types online include Survival Seed Vault Heirloom Seeds and 135 Variety Heirloom Survival Seed Bank.)

• …and many more items to list we cover in other articles that are covered on SecretsofSurvival.com (a site I write for from time to time) and my personal site, which you’ll find at the link below this article. The list of supplies to stockpile is bigger and you don’t have to get them all at once.

Also to mention:

• DIY home security (what can you do around your home, doors, windows, and property perimeter to add fortifications and noise makers to help prevent break-ins or home invasion robbery? Noise makers can be small bells hanging from inside door knobs; entry alarms on windows; thick gravel around your entire home especially under windows, motion detectors, etc. Regarding those fortifications, stacks of two by fours and boxes of long nails come to mind… nail 2x4s and thick plywood over windows; now, go the opposite direction with those nails and nail 2x4s with nails sticking out toward would-be crooks and now get these 2x4s firmly mounted around exterior doors and windows (while also enabling yourself to be able to enter/exit your home in some fashion… perhaps a ladder to an upstairs window?); your DIY home security may not be pretty, but it can slow an intruder down in several ways, and cause an intruder to make a lot of noise on an attempted break-in, giving you time to either retreat or for a tactical response if you’re armed — and a lot of people should be going into a time of collapse; finally, instead of having a “welcome” mat at your door, have a piece of plywood nailed to your porch with nails sticking up — then put a warning sign out front that says: “Caution: Traps Set for Intruders — No Trespassing” … hopefully that will keep intruders at bay while also warning possible friendlies (an elderly neighbor for example or that 10 year boy Timmy from down the street) that they need to watch where they step when coming up to knock on your door; it might be best to caution your neighbors about these traps and that they should do the same.)

The good news is that most of items above (except seeds) don’t need any special conditions. You can keep them in your attic, you can keep them in your bathroom (there should be plenty of space beneath the bath-tub — you’ll need tools to create a compartment there — and homemade bed frames can be hammered together offering a ton of storage space in every room)… and in any other place where nosy neighbors and friends can’t spot them. As far as that lumber goes for DIY home security, you can stockpile that in your garage.

From this point of view, the attic is the best place to store the rest of your items, because no one ever goes up there (unless they know you have an attic and or suspect you’re hiding something).

Let’s talk about this for a moment.

Step #3: Storing Your Stockpile

There are numerous places to keep it, some of them are downright crazy. Consider:•the attic (for non-perishable items) but also keep in mind tornadoes and hurricanes which could wipe off your entire roof and, with it, your stockpile

• the basement (the best place to store food, water and even meds) but make sure it’s well ventilated and pest-free

• the garage

• and various places around the house, such as in or above kitchen cabinets, inside coffee tables, in your bathroom (do NOT store meds there because moisture will greatly reduce shelf life), inside furniture, in boxes, in your car’s trunk, in various containers inside your back yard, buried in your back yard, inside your tool shed, barn and, of course, hidden away at your bug out location

What if you live in a tiny apartment, can you still do it? Sure, but, in this case, you will need a bug out location as well as a car with a bigger trunk, to fit more emergency items. No, you can’t fit a one year stockpile in there but every extra gallon of water could make a difference.

Speaking of trunks, know that they can get pretty hot during the summer. Even if temperatures won’t be that high, temperature variations are also a factor in decreasing food shelf life. This is why you should rotate the foods, water and meds that you keep in your car more often, say, every 6 months.

A small trick you can use to ensure they last longer is to get a few wide-mouth thermoses and keep them inside. This will minimize temperature variations a little, but don’t expect them to work wonders.

Step #4: Stockpiling in Layers I briefly touched on this aspect earlier in the article but it’s something definitely worth expanding on. Before you think about a one year stockpile, you first need to worry about your immediate needs. What if there’s a storm or other catastrophic weather event in the coming weeks, will you be covered for a few weeks from all angles?

A grand encyclopedia of country Self Sufficient Backyard ,  weather wisdom, country remedies and herbal cures, cleaning solutions, pest purges, firewood essentials, adobe making and bricklaying, leather working, plant dyes, farm foods, natural teas and tonics, granola, bread making, beer brewing and winemaking, jams and jellies, canning and preserving, sausage making and meat smoking, drying foods, down-home toys, papermaking, candle crafting, homemade soaps and shampoos,  butter and cheese making, fishing and hunting secrets, and much more.Self Sufficient Backyard: Traditional Skills for Simple Living

The layers are:

• a 3-day stockpile

• a 3-week stockpile

• a 3-month stockpile

• and, of course, a one year stockpile Like I said, it’s easy to split your items between your home stockpile, your BOL stash, your car’s trunk and your survival bags.

All Of This Sounds Great And I’m Ready To Start A Stockpile! But Do You Have More Info And Advice?

I sure do. I realized not too long ago that most preppers are looking to bug in. It makes sense because bugging out could be downright dangerous. I also realized there’s no A to Z guide for making a “bulletproof” stockpile for newbies, so I have spent a few dedicated months to perfecting a survival guide like no other. Of course, there is a small fee for it because it took a great deal of time, effort and research to put it together, but I also made a video where I tell you exactly what’s in it.You’ll not only learn how to prepare in layers, which foods and products are best but this guide is “highly customizable” so to speak, meaning I truly tackle the stockpiling issue for your unique situation, as I mentioned in the beginning of this article.

Click this link to watch the presentation and get started building a stockpile in record time and with a record budget.

Do you know about the gift of nature to save the life of people from various health problems and make them feel secure by curing significant issues? How to live healthy in this world without having chronic diseases or illness or any other health issues which may hurt you physically and mentally? Due to dense population, people are trying to demolish the forest, garden areas to create shelter, so they forced to destroy the nature’s gift such as natural ingredients, secret medicinal herbs and more which are grown in wild forest, mountains and other places. When you read this review entirely, sure you will get chance to know about secrets medicinal ingredients, herbs and more used by our ancestor to get back the lost health without losing your life. Claude Davis was highlighted all the stuff in the form of the e-book The Home Doctor filled with a list of natural ingredients and remedies that you can quickly grow in the backyard or at free space to include it in your routine diet or external usage to get well soon.

Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.

Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)

The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome  by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )

Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)

The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)

2 thoughts on “FUTURE SHOCK – The New World Order Plans for 2024-2025: Your Life Is About To Change! Part 1-2-3

  1. Alter Prepper

    Four and a half more months of 2023, are we going to see this stuff happen or not?

    I know you caution against saying “we’ve heard this before and it never happened”, but we HAVE heard all of this same identical stuff and it STILL hasn’t happened. My grandfather (born in the late 1800s) heard from HIS grandfather (born in the 1700s) all this stuff. SPOILER ALERT: it never happened.

    The prepping info is always useful and appreciated, but the conspiracy stuff just makes us look like gibbering fools. I like this site because it doesn’t rely upon the kooky flat earth-level nutjobbery and for the most part stays out of politics and its tribalism.


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