Category: Prepper

Waterwheel Electric Generator Low-Cost Electricity, Multi-Purpose Dams Provide Water For Irrigation

Waterwheel Electric Generator Low-Cost Electricity, Multi-Purpose Dams Provide Water For Irrigation Hydropower, generated mainly from hydroelectric dams, is a clean, renewable, non-emitting source of energy that provides low-cost electricity and… Read more »

Alert Billionaires Are Selling Off Stocks And Building Massive Survival Bunkers

What is an economic collapse?Simply put, an economic collapse, interchangeably used with the term financial collapse, is a series of very severe economic conditions. Many survivalists and preppers say an… Read more »

The Damage Has Been Done And The Consequences Will Be Suffered: “Have a Healthy Storage of Food, Precious Metals and Necessary Supplies”

  While the band plays on and Americans celebrate New Year’s many have no idea what may be in store in 2024. Mainstream financial pundits like to paint a rosy… Read more »

Should you Stockpile?: Your First Steps To a 1-Year Stockpile (Here is a complete guide to stockpiling for disaster)

Should you stockpile? Here is a complete guide to stockpiling for disaster. What you need. What you don’t need. What you should absolutely have. Discover the secrets to stockpiling … When the next… Read more »

How to Get Water After a Nuclear War – – Removing Radioactive Contaminants from Water

When you think of contaminants in water, things like arsenic, lead, or E. coli probably come to mind. Yet, did you know that radioactive contaminants such as uranium and radium… Read more »

Best Portable Solar Generators – One of These Top Portable Solar Generators is Right For You

Portable Solar GeneratorsWe need power. That’s a fact of modern-day life. From phones to laptops to fridges and power tools, most of the stuff in our house relies on power… Read more »

WARNING: US Government ACTUALLY Preparing for EMP Event – Major Disasters Can Knock Out Power for Several Weeks ( Surviving A Long Term Power Loss)

America is in DANGER, and several of America’s allies are also in DANGER. The threat of a “permanent blackout” across the United States caused by an EMP(electro-magnetic pulse) weapon has received… Read more »