Category: Self-Sufficiency

Waterwheel Electric Generator Low-Cost Electricity, Multi-Purpose Dams Provide Water For Irrigation

Waterwheel Electric Generator Low-Cost Electricity, Multi-Purpose Dams Provide Water For Irrigation Hydropower, generated mainly from hydroelectric dams, is a clean, renewable, non-emitting source of energy that provides low-cost electricity and… Read more »

NATURAL CURE Written In The Bible” Extremely Powerful 3,500 -Year-Old Remedy Cures For All Diseases

Healing with medicinal plants is as old as mankind itself. The connection between man and his search for drugs in nature dates from the far past, of which there is… Read more »

Native American Gardening Techniques – Learn How Foods Were Grown in the Past

Many people who are interested in green living are turning to Native American gardening techniques to learn how foods were grown in the past. Native Americans had to survive on… Read more »

How the Early Pioneers Preserved Meat – Pioneer Woman Meat Recipes

Pioneer women who had to decide what few precious things to carry across the plains surely made one choice in common—their own individual collection of “receipts,” as recipes were then… Read more »