Coup Plotter List in Post-Netanyahu America?
More than a story?
Audio report classified and will not be identified. Listen at your own risk
It is not unreasonable to assume that a conspiracy to murder President Obama is currently underway. Note the weasel words used here, part of the lessons learned after the imprisonment of Michael Shrimpton.
No sane person would pass on any information to a law enforcement or intelligence agency without full immunity.
That our information involves deep parallels with the threats Shrimpton informed the British government of is no coincidence. We are of the belief that a series of EMP based weapons have been deployed within the US.
Only weeks ago, we came upon intelligence indicating that a key part of 9/11 involved taking down America’s stock markets and banking system by destroying key junctions in Fort Lee, New Jersey, on the George Washington Bridge and in the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels using massive conventional explosives, some as truck bombs.
Our assumption is that, with what we now know to have been the failure of 9/11, Gore disgraced, Lieberman in the White House, war with Iran, Pakistan and Turkey in the same meltdown we are seeing in Libya, most of Africa and Asia in total collapse, our “friends” are going to try a shortcut. Blocking them is Kerry, Dempsey and Obama and folks few might believe, like Diane Feinstein.
Intel is pouring in over the last 24 hours. “Intel” is another term for “unsubstantiated rumor,” we all have to admit that, particularly since the Bush/Blair years of lies and treason. However, withholding some material is irresponsible though it is impossible to identify an “authority” capable of understanding or dealing with threats against the United States.
With the downfall of the CIA and the ludicrous alphabet soup monstrosities, the US is helpless in the face of a very real conspiracy. Here is what we know or think or feel or whatever.
The group we have identified includes:
- New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and his interesting group of “friends”
- The Bush Cartel/Jeb Bush and the Colombia Cartel
- The Romney/Salinas Cartel
- The Dallas Mafia and Hunt Family (s)
- The Fox/Murdoch media group
- The New York Times
- GE Capital
- Bechtel
- The Jamestown Foundation
- PJ Media
- General Breedlove
- Benjamin Netanyahu
- Lieberman/McCain/Graham
- Scott Walker
- Supreme Court Justices
- the United States Secret Service
- and a list of energy, transportation and insurance corporation executives
We have a high probability that a coup is afoot in the United States and have strong reason to believe that one was attempted in Russia. When the Russian coup was stopped, good guess who planned to take over is now “out of the picture,” our NATO friends saw the writing on the wall.
Israeli intelligence is totally aware of all of this and, on this odd occasion, on the right side of the fence. We wish we could say that of others in Israel.
We have confirmation from Russia that they are moving against NATO and the US, economically at least, with huge inroads with China and other regional powers in the last 72 hours.
America, or what the America’s criminal cabals represent, is going to be frozen out of Asia for generations.
If anything happens to President Obama, look to this list as those responsible, or so we are told.
Do we believe it?
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Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Gordon Duff is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists.He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries.He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration.Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.Visit Gordon Duff’s YouTube Channel