The world we live in is full of synthetic chemicals, most of which are toxic. They are encountered from our food to all the objects we touch. No wonder the explosion of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) cases. But if you think that contamination is something occurring outdoor, you’re awfully wrong. The “technology toxins” stalk inside your house, and the situation is nastier than you could imagine. The insidious aspect is that these toxins poison you most of the time, including while you are sleeping.
95% of what’s inside perfumes, deodorants, body lotions, cleaning products, paints, new carpets, tobacco smoke, shampoos, gasoline and other products are petroleum derived, like acetone, camphor, benzens, aldehydes, ethanol, g-terpins and others. Other indoor contaminants should be more obvious for you: pesticides (like anti-lice products) or solvents (from paints, varnishes, adhesives, treated woods, synthetic fabrics and carpets, and detergents).
“Mild” effects of our daily (or not) exposure to these chemicals are fatigue, disorientation, muscular pain, joint pain, eczemas, eruptions, dizziness, somnolence, nausea, body swelling, accelerated breathing, flue symptoms, asthma, palpitations, high pulse, sinusitis, anxiety, pneumonia, headache, memory loss, decreased focusing capacity, insomnia, irregular heart rhythm, gut issues and mood disorders (depression and mood swings) (and we have missed many others here). About 37% of the Americans are allergic to synthetic chemical smells, vent gases, tobacco smoke, freshly applied paints, new carpets and perfumes.
On long term, this exposure translates into cancers. How we are affected by this is influenced by our genes, age, sex, diet, health and mood (which influence immunity), drugs we take, medical history and lifestyle (drinking, smoking, drug consume).
Modern homes and buildings, designed for energy efficiency, are often tightly sealed to impede energy loss from heating and air conditioning systems. The ventilated air inside buildings recycles all kinds of solvents, including formaldehyde (an extremely toxic chemical). Synthetic building materials used in modern construction have been found to release potential pollutants that remain trapped in these unventilated buildings. Carpets aggravate the situation as they absorb many solvents which afterwards are released gradually over long periods of time. All this cause “Sick Building Syndrome”. The poor indoor air quality costs only US tens of billions of dollars annually in lost productivity and medical care. In Australia, about 75 % of buildings are affected by “sick building syndrome” and 9% of the workforce takes off at least one day from work every fortnight because of sickness connected to this.
Good night sleep in a well aerated room, healthy diet (including food supplements), and physical exercise (sweat eliminates poisons from the body). But here comes a 2-year NASA research that points to an unexpected, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, low energy and completely natural method of detoxifying our houses: the common indoor plants. NASA aimed to assess environmental issues, both on Earth and in space habitats, and this new study has been led by Dr. Bill Wolverton, formerly a senior research scientist at NASA’s John C. Stennis Space Center, Bay St. Louis, Miss.
Plants (more specifically the leaves) have been known to function like air pumps. At day light, they take carbon dioxide from the air to make photosynthesis. Moreover, they breathe all the time. This means they take oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide. Plants also sweat, mainly through their leaves. Water and gases go in and out through small pores called stoma. Closed or opened stoma show how active the plants are at a given moment. Because plants sweat, they keep room’s correct humidity levels.
Amongst animals, mussels and oysters function as water pumps that take small food particles and oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide and wastes. But the bivalves are also known to accumulate contamination toxins from the water (like heavy metals and hydrocarbons), with many episodes of severe intoxication of people that ate such seafood. Well, what NASA has found is that some plants can function like real “air oysters” in your house, accumulating the toxins that imperil your health and ultimately your life.
19 species and varieties of ornamental plants have been tested for their effectiveness in removing the main toxins connected to indoor air contamination. 17 are true houseplants, and 2 species of daisies are used indoors as seasonal decorations. The houseplants are tropical or subtropical species growing beneath dense tropical canopies, thus they subsist in low light, and are more efficient in absorbing gases, including toxic ones. Plants do not absorb contaminants only trough leaves, but also through roots and their root-associated bacteria.
Some indoor plants proved to be so efficient in absorbing the air toxins that some could be launched into space integrated in biological life support systems aboard future orbiting space stations.
“The study has shown that common indoor landscaping plants can remove certain pollutants from the indoor environment. We feel that future results will provide an even stronger argument that common indoor landscaping plants can be a very effective part of a system used to provide pollution free homes and work places, “said Wolverton, involved in this kind of research for over 30 years.
Each plant species was tested in sealed, Plexiglas chambers in which chemicals were injected. Tested chemicals included:
Trichloroethylene (TCE), largely employed in the metal degreasing and dry cleaning industries, printing inks, paints, lacquers, varnishes, and adhesives. It is a powerful liver cancer inducing factor. The best TCE removers were peace lily (for TCE from cleaning products), Dracaena (TCE from adhesives, ink, dyes, lacquers, paints and varnishes), gerbera daisy (TCE from adhesives), and bamboo palm.
Benzene is the most common solvent in many items like gasoline, inks, oils, paints, plastics, and rubber, but it also enters into the composition of detergents, explosives, pharmaceuticals, foams and dyes.
It is a skin and eyes irritant (repeated contact causes drying, inflammation, blistering and dermatitis), embryotoxic and cancer causing factor. It has been connected to human leukemia. The aromatic benzene vapors cause dizziness, weakness, euphoria, headache, nausea, blurred vision, respiratory diseases, tremors, irregular heartbeat, liver and kidney damage, paralysis and unconsciousness. Animal tests resulted in cataract formation and diseases of the blood and lymph. Chronic exposure provokes headaches, loss of appetite, drowsiness, nervousness, psychological issues and blood diseases (like anemia) and bone marrow diseases.
The champion plants in removing benzene appeared to be: ivy, gerbera daisies, pot mums, peace lily, bamboo palm, and Mother-in-law’s Tongue. The source of benzene also counted: Chinese Evergreens and pot mums extract well benzene coming from detergents, while Dracaena that coming from ink, dyes, tobacco smoke and rubber. Ivy extracted easily the toxins coming from petroleum products, while benzene from plastics was rapidly sucked up by Gerbera daisy.
Formaldehyde is even more common than benzene, and more toxic. It abounds in urea-formaldehyde foams, particle board or pressed wood products of which most of the office furniture is made today. It appears in paper treated with UF resins, even grocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues and paper towels.
Most common household cleaning agents have formaldehyde. UF resins are used as stiffeners, wrinkle resisters, water repellents, fire retardants and adhesive binders in floor coverings, carpets and permanent-press clothes, while simple formaldehyde abounds in natural gas, kerosene, and cigarette smoke.
The chemical is an irritant of the mucosae of the eyes, nose and throat, and causes dermatitis and headaches. Formaldehyde is a common cause of asthma and has been connected to throat cancer.
The best plants for removing formaldehyde proved to be the bamboo palm (from carpeting), Mother-in-law’s tongue (from paper), dracaena warneckei, peace lily, dracaena marginata, golden pothos, philodendron (from carpeting and furniture), ficus (from UF foams), ivy (from cleaners) and green spider plant (from plywoods and particle boards).
Take a look at this collection The Lost Book Of Remedies, taken word for word out of a circa 1845 manual.
What is The Lost Book of Remedies? The Lost Book of Remedies PDF contains a series of medicinal and herbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs. Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remedies outlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taught herbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war two and that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures.
This is how much of the contaminants were removed by plants from a sealed room in 24 hours:
The plants recommended by the NASA research are:
1. Philodendron scandens subsp oxycardium heartleaf philodendron (philodendrons come from tropical Americas and are related to arrowheads).
2. Philodendron domesticum, elephant ear philodendron.
3. Dracaena fragrans, varieties `Massangeana’, `Janet Craig’ and `Warneckii’, cornstalk Dracaena, happy plant or Corn Plant, a relative of dragon trees from Africa.
4. Hedera helix, common ivy, which is also an outdoor plant originated from southern Europe.
5. Chlorophytum comosum, spider plant, a South African species.
6. Ficus benjamina, weeping fig tree, from southeastern Asia and Australia.
7. Epipremnum aureum, golden pothos, silver vine, devil’s ivy, is a species coming from southeastern Asia and New Guinea, related to philodendrons.
8. Spathiphyllum x `Mauna Loa’, a peace lily hydrid obtained from tropical American and Asian species.
9. Philodendron bipinnatifidum cut-leaf philodendron, tree philodendron, selloum, self-header from the rain forests of Paraguay and southeastern Brazil.
10. Aglaonema modestum, Chinese evergreen from southern China, related to philodendrons.
11. Chamaedorea sefritzii, bamboo or reed palm, a palm tree species originated from tropical Americas.
12. Sansevieria trifasciata, snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, an African plant related to Butcher’s broom.
13. Dracaena marginata , red-edged dracaena or Madagascar dragon tree.
14. Gerbera jamesonii, Gerbera daisy, from South Africa.
15. Chrysanthemum x morifolium, pot mums, a hybrid daisy from Asia.
As plants have various ecologies, their efficiency varied depending on the light amount. The best plants in intense light were the Ficus and some Dieffenbachia species. In medium light, were Bamboo Palm and Dracaena. In low light, Spathiphyllum worked best.
“Plants take substances out of the air through the tiny openings in their leaves (stoma). But research in our laboratories has determined that plant leaves, roots and soil bacteria are all important in removing trace levels of toxic vapors. Combining nature with technology can increase the effectiveness of plants in removing air pollutants. A living air cleaner is created by combining activated carbon and a fan with a potted plant. The roots of the plant grow right in the carbon and slowly degrade the chemicals absorbed there,” said Wolverton.
The results recommend for an average home of under 2,000 square ft (200 square meters) 15 to 18 houseplants, grown in 6 in (15 cm) containers or larger. The more vigorous the plants, the better.
“Two plants per 100 square feet or two plants per a small office keep the air pure [and] healthy,” recommended Wolverton.
These plants not only make your office or house a more pleasant place, but also they will increase air quality, making you feel better and perform/work better. Further research is aimed to see the efficacy of indoor plants in removing other common indoor air pollutants, like asbestos; or coming from pesticides, detergents, solvents, and cleaning fluids; fibers released from clothing, furnishings, draperies, glass, carpets, and insulation; fungi and bacteria; and tobacco smoke.
The Lost Book of Remedies is the revolutionary e-book which is suitable for one of the tools in survival kit because the creator of this program was mentioned lots of benefits about natural medicinal herbs and ingredients to make you feel safe, secure by protecting the health of yourself and dependents in any crisis. Even you can plant it in your backyard to grow effective medicinal herbs to save the life of anyone without wasting your money and time. This e-book will guide you on the right path to provide security, water, food, and all the medicines for securing your life or loved ones at all the time. This guide discussed the common plants that are grown in your backyard, but you don’t know the benefits of that plan which may help you to overcome any significant issues. Sometimes it may replace your antibiotic pills, reduce inflammations, stops bleeding, reverse arthritis, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood sugar level, defeats degenerative brain diseases and much more.
Credits: westcoastnurseries
Comment: Dracaena marginata , red-edged dracaena or Madagascar dragon tree
Comment: Chrysanthemum x morifolium, pot mums
Top 30 Medicinal Plants To Learn For Survival
Via : by Theresa Crouse
When SHTF, it won’t be long before modern medicines are hard to come by, so you need a back-up plan. That’s OK though because there’s a form of medicine that can be just as effective and has been in use for millennia: herbs and plants.
That’s right. Eastern medicine, as well as Native Americans and many other cultures, used natural cures long before Western medicine even thought about a pill.
Today is your chance to be part of saving our ancestors’ lost ways. I wanted to make this information available to every family out there without having to spend years of their lives or thousands of dollars.
So I came up with this great idea to edit all my manuscripts and to turn all this lost knowledge into one of the greatest books of this century:
The Lost Ways
Saving Our Forefathers’ Skills
Here’s a list of medicinal plants to learn for survival.
- Althea. Grows in well-drained soil in either sun or shade. Great for skin irritations, ulcers and sore throats.
- American Ginseng. This root grows best in cool climates and is used to treat respiratory disorders and reduce fevers. It’s used orally, often in a tea.
- Barberry. This grows to as high as a whopping 9 feet tall! Use it to treat skin conditions and diarrhea.
- Belladonna. Great to use as a sleep aid but be extremely careful; too much belladonna will kill.
- Billberry. Grow these berries in full sun. Use them to ease diabetes pain, and to treat kidney disease and eye conditions. Eat the berries.
- Borage. Grows well in full sun and moderate to moist soil. Helps with arthritis, joint pain and skin conditions such as eczema.
- Catnip. Grows well in many soils. Treats cold symptoms, swelling and fever. It also helps stop bleeding when applied topically and soothes gas, migraines and stomach aches when infused.
- Cayenne Pepper. Grows well in moderate to moist soil and full sun to partial shade. Can help prevent heart attacks and heal ulcers and hemorrhoids.
- Cranesbill. This grows best in warm, semi-dry soil. It helps stop bleeding and diarrhea and is also good for canker sores.
- Echinacea. Grows well in nearly any climate as long as you don’t overwater it. Treats colds and the flu.
- Fo-Ti. Grows in sun or shade but doesn’t like extreme heat. Treats high cholesterol, erectile dysfunction, constipation and fatigue.
- Ginger. Not only is it delicious, it’s also great for migraines, nausea, motion sickness and circulation, including blood clots. Eat it or make it into a tea.
- Goldenseal. Grows best in a shady area in rich, moist soil. Use it to treat bladder and fungal infections as well as sinus congestion. Use it in teas.
- Lady Fern. Grows well in moist soil. Eases the pain of minor cuts, burns and stings.
- Licorice Root. Grows best in rich soil in either sun or shade. Can’t take extreme cold. Treats sore throats, ulcers and respiratory issues such as bronchitis.
- Marijuana. Grows well in moderate to moist soil and high sun. Treats glaucoma, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and nausea. The hemp plant makes great rope as well.
- Milk Thistle. Grows best in semi-dry soil in temperate climates. It’s a wonderful antioxidant and can be used to treat liver and kidney problems.
- Parsley. Grows well in moist soil with sun or partial shade. Helps cleanse the blood and also helps with kidney stones.
- Peppermint. Grows best in temperate climates in moist soil. Helps treat acid reflux, heart burn, headaches and gallstones.
- Rosemary. Grows well in many different soils and climates and doesn’t require much attention. Great for upset stomach and helps with headaches. May even help treat cancer.
- Saw Palmetto. Grows great in full sun with moderately moist soil. Treats bladder infections, stomach problems including nausea and bronchitis.
- Skullcap. Needs well-drained soil and full sun. Used to treat high blood pressure.
- St. John’s Wort. Grows well in warm, moist soil and can’t tolerate the cold. Works well to treat depression and can also slow the progression of HIV.
- Tart Cherries. Grows on trees in moderate to warm climates. Can’t take extreme cold. Helps treat arthritis and diabetes and may help prevent cancer.
- Tea Tree Oil. This is tough to grow so we suggest that you stock up on it. It’s a powerful antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal and works wonders to treat athlete’s foot, vaginal infections, acne, and many other conditions.
- Valerian. Easy to grow in many moderate to warm climates. Remove the flowering stems as soon as they appear. Great for insomnia and anxiety.
- Vinpocetine. This comes from lesser periwinkle and helps to treat people with stroke, Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.
- White Willow. Grows best in moist soil. It’s the mother of modern aspirin and is used to treat fever, inflammation and aches.
- Wild Yam Roots. Native to China, these roots grow best in temperate climates. It’s great for rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual cramps and nausea.
- Witch hazel. Grows best in moist, acidic soil and full sun but it isn’t too particular. It will even grow in partial shade. It’s an antiseptic and also helps make bruises feel better. Also used to treat IBS and other bowel issues.
Impressive Herbs with Antiviral Activity
Since ancient times, herbs have been used as natural treatments for various illnesses, including viral infections.
Due to their concentration of potent plant compounds, many herbs help fight viruses and are favored by practitioners of natural medicine.
At the same time, the benefits of some herbs are only supported by limited human research, so you should take them with a grain of salt.
Here are 15 herbs with powerful antiviral activity.
Oregano is a popular herb in the mint family that’s known for its impressive medicinal qualities. Its plant compounds, which include carvacrol, offer antiviral properties.
In a test-tube study, both oregano oil and isolated carvacrol reduced the activity of murine norovirus (MNV) within 15 minutes of exposure .
MNV is highly contagious and the primary cause of stomach flu in humans. It is very similar to human norovirus and used in scientific studies because human norovirus is notoriously difficult to grow in laboratory settings .
Oregano oil and carvacrol have also been shown to exhibit antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1); rotavirus, a common cause of diarrhea in infants and children; and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which causes respiratory infections .
Also a member of the mint family, sage is an aromatic herb that has long been used in traditional medicine to treat viral infections .
The antiviral properties of sage are mostly attributed to compounds called safficinolide and sage one, which are found in the leaves and stem of the plant.
Test-tube research indicates that this herb may fight human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), which can lead to AIDS. In one study, sage extract significantly inhibited HIV activity by preventing the virus from entering target cells .
Sage has also been shown to combat HSV-1 and Indiana vesiculovirus, which infects farm animals like horses, cows, and pigs .
Many types of basil, including the sweet and holy varieties, may fight certain viral infections.
For example, one test-tube study found that sweet basil extracts, including compounds like apigenin and ursolic acid, exhibited potent effects against herpes viruses, hepatitis B, and enterovirus .
Holy basil, also known as tulsi, has been shown to increase immunity, which may help fight viral infections.
In a 4-week study in 24 healthy adults, supplementing with 300 mg of holy basil extract significantly increased levels of helper T cells and natural killer cells, both of which are immune cells that help protect and defend your body from viral infections.
Fennel is a licorice-flavored plant that may fight certain viruses.
A test-tube study showed that fennel extract exhibited strong antiviral effects against herpes viruses and parainfluenza type-3 (PI-3), which causes respiratory infections in cattle .
What’s more, trans-anethole, the main component of fennel essential oil, has demonstrated powerful antiviral effects against herpes viruses .
According to animal research, fennel may also boost your immune system and decrease inflammation, which may likewise help combat viral infections.
Garlic is a popular natural remedy for a wide array of conditions, including viral infections.
In a study in 23 adults with warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), applying garlic extract to affected areas twice daily eliminated the warts in all of them after 1–2 weeks.
Additionally, older test-tube studies note that garlic may have antiviral activity against influenza A and B, HIV, HSV-1, viral pneumonia, and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold. However, current research is lacking .
Animal and test-tube studies indicate that garlic enhances immune system response by stimulating protective immune cells, which may safeguard against viral infections .
Lemon balm is a lemony plant that’s commonly used in teas and seasonings. It’s also celebrated for its medicinal qualities.
Lemon balm extract is a concentrated source of potent essential oils and plant compounds that have antiviral activity .
Test-tube research has shown that it has antiviral effects against avian influenza (bird flu), herpes viruses, HIV-1, and enterovirus 71, which can cause severe infections in infants and children.
Peppermint is known to have powerful antiviral qualities and commonly added to teas, extracts, and tinctures meant to naturally treat viral infections.
Its leaves and essential oils contain active components, including menthol and rosmarinic acid, which have antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity .
In a test-tube study, peppermint-leaf extract exhibited potent antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and significantly decreased levels of inflammatory compounds .
Rosemary is frequently used in cooking but likewise has therapeutic applications due to its numerous plant compounds, including oleanolic acid.
Oleanolic acid has displayed antiviral activity against herpes viruses, HIV, influenza, and hepatitis in animal and test-tube studies .
Plus, rosemary extract has demonstrated antiviral effects against herpes viruses and hepatitis A, which affects the liver.
Echinacea is one of the most popularly used ingredients in herbal medicine due to its impressive health-promoting properties. Many parts of the plant, including its flowers, leaves, and roots, are used for natural remedies.
In fact, Echinacea purpurea, a variety that produces cone-shaped flowers, was used by Native Americans to treat a wide array of conditions, including viral infections.
Several test-tube studies suggest that certain varieties of echinacea, including E. pallida, E. angustifolia, and E. purpurea, are particularly effective at fighting viral infections like herpes and influenza.
Notably, E. purpurea is thought to have immune-boosting effects as well, making it particularly useful for treating viral infections .
Sambucus is a family of plants also called elder. Elderberries are made into a variety of products, such as elixirs and pills, that are used to naturally treat viral infections like the flu and common cold.
A study in mice determined that concentrated elderberry juice suppressed influenza virus replication and stimulated immune system response.
What’s more, in a review of 4 studies in 180 people, elderberry supplements were found to substantially reduce upper respiratory symptoms caused by viral infections .
Licorice has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and other natural practices for centuries.
Glycyrrhizin, liquiritigenin, and glabridin are just some of the active substances in licorice that have powerful antiviral properties .
Test-tube studies demonstrate that licorice root extract is effective against HIV, RSV, herpes viruses, and severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV), which causes a serious type of pneumonia .
Astragalus is a flowering herb popular in traditional Chinese medicine. It boasts Astragalus polysaccharide (APS), which has significant immune-enhancing and antiviral qualities.
Test-tube and animal studies show that astragalus combats herpes viruses, hepatitis C, and avian influenza H9 virus .
Plus, test-tube studies suggest that APS may protect human astrocyte cells, the most abundant type of cell in the central nervous system, from infection with herpes.
Ginger products, such as elixirs, teas, and lozenges, are popular natural remedies — and for good reason. Ginger has been shown to have impressive antiviral activity thanks to its high concentration of potent plant compounds.
Test-tube research demonstrates that ginger extract has antiviral effects against avian influenza, RSV, and feline calicivirus (FCV), which is comparable to human norovirus.
Additionally, specific compounds in ginger, such as gingerols and zingerone, have been found to inhibit viral replication and prevent viruses from entering host cells .
Ginseng, which can be found in Korean and American varieties, is the root of plants in the Panax family. Long used in traditional Chinese medicine, it has been shown to be particularly effective at fighting viruses.
In animal and test-tube studies, Korean red ginseng extract has exhibited significant effects against RSV, herpes viruses, and hepatitis A .
Plus, compounds in ginseng called ginsenosides have antiviral effects against hepatitis B, norovirus, and coxsackieviruses, which are associated with several serious diseases — including an infection of the brain called meningoencephalitis .
Dandelions are widely regarded as weeds but have been studied for multiple medicinal properties, including potential antiviral effects.
Test-tube research indicates that dandelion may combat hepatitis B, HIV, and influenza.
Moreover, one test-tube study noted that dandelion extract inhibited the replication of dengue, a mosquito-borne virus that causes dengue fever. This disease, which can be fatal, triggers symptoms like high fever, vomiting, and muscle pain.
There are many different medicinal herbs and plants that can be used for healing. Some are more effective than others and many can be lethal if used in the wrong dosage.
We recommend taking the time to learn about medicinal plants if you plan to use them. Buy a book written by a respected expert.
Do you know about the gift of nature to save the life of people from various health problems and make them feel secure by curing significant issues? How to live healthy in this world without having chronic diseases or illness or any other health issues which may hurt you physically and mentally? Due to dense population, people are trying to demolish the forest, garden areas to create shelter, so they forced to destroy the nature’s gift such as natural ingredients, secret medicinal herbs and more which are grown in wild forest, mountains and other places. When you read this review entirely, sure you will get chance to know about secrets medicinal ingredients, herbs and more used by our ancestor to get back the lost health without losing your life. Claude Davis was highlighted all the stuff in the form of the e-book The Lost Book Of Remedies filled with a list of natural ingredients and remedies that you can quickly grow in the backyard or at free space to include it in your routine diet or external usage to get well soon.

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