Category: Economic Collapse

Top 7 Reasons for Bugging Out from Economic Collapse or Catastrophic Disaster

1. Food Shortages2. Riots3. Street Gangs … Think you’re safe out in the suburbs? Think again.  A major disaster including a wave of homegrown terrorists with chemical bombs (American Jihadists are… Read more »

Trump Warn Americans To Prepare For A Depression: More Devastating Than Most People Expect – “What’s Coming Is WORSE Than A Recession”

Former President Trump came forward during a rally last week to warn that America’s economy is going down the drain and is set to face a much bigger disaster than… Read more »

FUTURE SHOCK – The New World Order Plans for 2023-2025: Your Life Is About To Change! Part 1-2-3

Get ready…your world is about to be turned UPSIDE DOWN! The corrupt, criminal regime currently occupying Washington D.C. is starting to lose its grip on America. The American people are… Read more »

5 Signs That Prove We Are On The Brink Of A Complete Collapse – Get Prepared For The Coming Food Shortages And The End Of America As We Know IT!

  What is your greatest fear when it come to a collapse of civilization? If you don’t think the food shortages are coming and coming soon, you haven’t been paying… Read more »

Alert 200% Proof They Will Start Global Currency Reset 2023 Economic Collapse — America is Collapsing to Recession !

The Devaluation of the dollar has been happening for the last 70 years or so, especially after 1971. The devaluation of the dollar is a monetary phenomenon and typically driven… Read more »

Robert Kiyosaki Warning “America Is Getting WIPED OUT” — This Is What’s Coming…

Since then, the World Bank has predicted a global recession for 2023, anticipating GDP growth of 1.7%, the slowest pace outside the 2009 and 2020 recessions since 1993.The global economy… Read more »