Category: Economic Collapse

Experts Warning Americans to Be Prepared For Economic Collapse-Prepare For The 2023 The Year of Total Economic Collapse & A Permanent Great Depression !!

What is an economic collapse? Simply put, an economic collapse, interchangeably used with the term financial collapse, is a series of very severe economic conditions. Many survivalists and preppers say… Read more »

Donald Trump Warning on President Biden: “You Will Have a Depression the Likes of Which You’ve Never seen”

WASHINGTON, September 15, 2022—As central banks across the world simultaneously hike interest rates in response to inflation, the world may be edging toward a global recession in 2023 and a… Read more »

Robert Kiyosaki Warning “America Is Getting WIPED OUT” — Inflation Will Wipe Out 50% of Population This Is What’s Coming…

Robert Kiyosaki predicts the end of America and hard times ahead for the economy. He also elaborates on ways to protect yourself against what’s on the horizon… “America has stopped… Read more »

The Apocalyptic Global Food Crisis That We Were Told To Prepare For Has Already Started In 2023

A food crisis kicked off by the Ukraine war could last for years without intervention, the head of the World Trade Organization has said. African countries could be hit especially… Read more »

Trump Tells America To Prepare For Week “That Will Change History” — The Controlled Collapse Can’t Be Stopped Declares America Bankrupt

Is a summarization describing the remarkable events occurring yesterday showing that Donald Trump is prepared to do anything needed to save this nation from tyranny, that began by him posting… Read more »

Lindsey Williams & Final Warning 2023 — PREPARE NOW🔴 Everything Is Going Worst – Economic Collapse 2024

President Putin to gravely warning: “We can see clearly and know what is happening in the Donbass right now…This, of course, very much resembles a genocide”—a warning quickly followed by… Read more »