Trump Warns “This Will Be A War Like No Other” As Biden Readies Nuke Strikes To Protect Dollar

Responding to warnings that the President Biden wants to start World War III to protect the US Dollar with the statement: “De-dollarization is being forced on Russia…We would use the… Read more »

Alert Billionaires Are Selling Off Stocks And Building Massive Survival Bunkers

What is an economic collapse?Simply put, an economic collapse, interchangeably used with the term financial collapse, is a series of very severe economic conditions. Many survivalists and preppers say an… Read more »

NASA Warning : Earth’s Poles Are About To Flip – Worldwide Blackouts Coming! The Consequences Could Be Deadly– American Blackout Are You Prepared?

Scientists understand that Earth’s magnetic field has flipped its polarity many times over the millennia. In other words, if you were alive about 800,000 years ago, and facing what we… Read more »

Economic Crisis 2024 — Nothing Will Be The Same Again — U.S. PREPARING for Something Big – Civil War, Coming , Collapse of America

Inflation, hyperinflation, financial collapse, societal collapse and world war 3. The only unknown is the timeline. All roads lead back to the fiat money system: Broken countries. Broken trade. Broken… Read more »