Category: EMP

NASA Warning : Earth’s Poles Are About To Flip – Worldwide Blackouts Coming! The Consequences Could Be Deadly– American Blackout Are You Prepared?

Scientists understand that Earth’s magnetic field has flipped its polarity many times over the millennia. In other words, if you were alive about 800,000 years ago, and facing what we… Read more »

The EMP Threat: All It Would Take Is A Couple Of Explosions To Send America Back To The 1800s

Our entire way of life can be ended in a single day. And it wouldn’t even take a nuclear war to do it. All it would take for a rogue… Read more »

7 Actions to Take Immediately Following an EMP Strike

The threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike on this country is a very well documented one, I have written about the threat in the past and have used information from the EMP… Read more »

WARNING: US Government ACTUALLY Preparing for EMP Event – Major Disasters Can Knock Out Power for Several Weeks ( Surviving A Long Term Power Loss)

America is in DANGER, and several of America’s allies are also in DANGER. The threat of a “permanent blackout” across the United States caused by an EMP(electro-magnetic pulse) weapon has received… Read more »

WARNING: US Government ACTUALLY Preparing for EMP Event – How to Survive the First 3 Days of Total Chaos following an Electro-Magnetic Pulse Attack on the U.S.

America is in DANGER, and several of America’s allies are also in DANGER. The threat of a “permanent blackout” across the United States caused by an EMP(electro-magnetic pulse) weapon has… Read more »