Category: EMP

Congressman Urges Protection for Power Grid: EMP Attack “Could Bring Our Civilization to a Cold, Dark Halt”

Congressman Urges Protection for Power Grid: EMP Attack “Could Bring Our Civilization to a Cold, Dark Halt” When it comes to an EMP attack, the question remains “when” not “if”… Read more »

A nuclear device detonated above the U.S. could kill millions, and we’ve done almost nothing to prepare.

A nuclear device detonated above the U.S. could kill millions, and we’ve done almost nothing to prepare. In a recent letter to investors, billionaire hedge-fund manager Paul Singer warned that… Read more »

No Financial Crash until the Nuclear War

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No Financial Crash until the Nuclear War In addition to his expert knowledge of US geography, Joel Skousen is a political scientist with remarkably astute clarity regarding the geo-political climate… Read more »

Solar Storm 14 Times Larger Than Earth Could Unleash A Society-Crippling Electromagnetic Pulse

Solar Storm 14 Times Larger Than Earth Could Unleash A Society-Crippling Electromagnetic Pulse Could Unleash A Society-Crippling Electromagnetic Pulse Did you know that a storm 14 times larger than the… Read more »

NASA Plans for Large Scale Failure, Power Grid is “Particularly Vulnerable to Bad Space Weather”

NASA Plans for Large Scale Failure, Power Grid For many it’s either tin foil conspiracy theory or an action packed Hollywood Armageddon flick. For the National Aeronautics and Space Administration… Read more »